Marketing Services

Strategic Planning
The conversation begins around the needs of your company sales goals – long term and short term. Are you looking to be completely an inbound operation where your clients are clamoring to work with you because of your strong brand recognition (expensive and long-term marketing commitment) or a company looking to just grow? These goals do not need to be mutually exclusive. Once your goals are determined, you need to develop a plan and stick with it while making adjustments along the ways.
However, how do you know what the right plan is and whether it is worth sticking to? That is where an experienced marketing professional comes into play, helping guide your firm along the right path.
1. Establishing goals and objectives
2. Refining target markets
3. Defining barriers and key messaging
4. Building a multi-staged plan
5. Execute the plan
6. Measuring the results
7. Make adjustments and refinements

Your company’s brand is its most important asset. A strong brand conveys trust and understanding. A strong brand helps you stand out from your competitors. As a result, clients and prospects remember you and will want to work with you.
We will expertly help you in developing your brand identity, including strategic plans to get the word out and creating a look and feel that is consistent with your public perception. Our expertise in conducting research to identify your current brand and refining its positioning to help you align your brand with your company’s business , in turn, helping you to increase year over year sales.

John Wanamaker, department-store magnate, once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” What John did not have back in the early 1900s is digital advertising.
Digital advertising has a unique ability to target an audience receptive to your message. But it is not enough to put up a website, send a few emails and have a Pay per Click (PPC) ad budget. The ultimate goal to your digital campaign is to generate sales and your messaging needs to be clear, crisp and concise. Most important, it must resonate with your prospects and clients as well as be consistent with your brand.
Nowadays, anyone can develop a digital campaign with online tools. But you need an experienced professional to make it work correctly. Talk to us about how we can help generate those sales.

Sales Initiatives
Developing qualified sales leads are crucial for any company looking to grow. But, how much is a sales lead worth? Sure, we could flood your pipeline with leads, but it makes no sense to pay more for leads than your profit margin. That is why each program developed needs to take into consideration the products’ life cycle, its target market, your competition, your location and profit margins. Same marketing firms believe everything should be digital or Facebook. That is like thinking you only need a hammer and nails in your tool belt to build a house.
We look to customize a plan that fits your firm’s needs. Whether it is an outbound campaign or inbound marketing; print or digital advertising or something in between, we will develop a campaign that will fit your budget and makes economic sense while allowing you company to grow.

Marketing trends & Competitive Analysis
Many businesses conduct market research and stop with the size of their market or with how many people are interested in what they have to sell. Size is important but knowing where the market going is vital for strategic decision making. Changes in any market is inevitable. The trick is knowing what those changes might be – technological, regulatory, etc. – so you can stay ahead of curve and adapt to meet the changes.
Also, sales professionals need to understand the “hot buttons” in any target market. Even if the “hot buttons” do not pertain to your product, they become a great door opener.
In any firm, knowledge is power and knowledge will help you become more successful.

Event & Trade Show